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Description: PHPsh is a very simple tool to make PHP sourcecode Highlighted and save it in HTML (for Boards, Communities for example). Written in German.

Last update:
Aaron Müller
Rating: 1/5

Our Review:

Code size: Very small

Documentation: Very little, but sufficient.

Ease of use: Should be easy, but did not work in my version of PHP without modifying the script some, but since the code is very small anyway, it is easy to modify and customize if you know PHP.

Options: Color syntax via show_source(), or output code all black.

How to call the script: show_code.php3?color=X&id=Y
where X=0 for printing plain/text code and X=1 for printing colored code,
while id=00-20 (or higher) must be a value assigned to files in this script (for security
reasons, so that no file that is NOT listed in this script can be viewed.

Comments: Useful if you know a little PHP to modify it, and want to show the source code of certain scripts on your website only. Each one has to individually be given a code number in the script, so is not practical for a large number of scripts.


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